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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  October 31, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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north bay throughout the afternoon and into 9 the early evening hours. we have some of the most -- some of the steadiest rain and most impressive areas of rainfall past santa rosa and into part is of northern marin county as well. closer look going down and pushing into the northwestern corner of marin county. that is where the rain is now but, of course, all of this is moving slowly southward and east ward. soon in the next couple of hours we will see the rain pushing down south of the golden gate into san francisco on to the peninsula and into some parts of the east bay. hoping to do trick or teeth without getting your bat wings wet the best chance is in the south bay near san jose report inland east areas because we will all get soaked by the rain before the evening is over. against the back drop of today's celebration four giants revelers were hauled into court. accused of taking part in sunday night's post game riots
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and late the today police released this video from that night hoping it will help identify others. it shows the muni bus arson. person in front appears to say don't do that it's not cool. several more people add to the fire. the police chief says they will prosecute any one identified to the fullest extent of the law and the city plans to pursue repayment for the destroyed bus. >> one of the guys that tried to stop the vandalism got hurt in the process. he was a guest honor at the celebration today for the giants. vic lee with a couple of good samaritans on sunday night. >> reporter: you talk about heros. we have a story for you tonight about one of them. a man who chose to do the right thing on sunday night but he risked a lot for it. >> there was tall chaos going on and it looked like a war
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zone. >> 28-year-old simon and his friends celebrated the giants sweep like other fans. they saw the chaos as they were walking towards market and third. he got worried when saw you people starting fires in the street. >> there was a lot going on. there was children in the crowd and i was trying to urge them to get out of there. >> he saw a man holding a steel barricade in front of a muni bus. this man whose picture was widely circulated in the area. >> the gentleman smashing the windows in and there were people surrounding it starting fires. if you see something wrong happening, step in and do something. >> and timmany did. he tried to prevent the mob from vandalizing the muni bus. >> i remember getting in between people and pushing them away and i was just shouting this is not us, we don't do this and sucker punch, kicking, blood, blood, blood and that is ail remember and my friends came to help me and drug me out
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of there. >> his nose was broken and he had gashes on his face and two chipped teeth. word of the bravery got to supervisor scott weiner and he invited him to sit with him in the vip section of the civic center ceremonies. >> more people need to do that. we are all tempted to stand back and let whatever happens happen. >> he bumped into the friend who pulled him out and saved him from more serious is injury. i asked him later are why he would risk taking on a violent mob. >> you don't want to see anything like this happen to your city, you know. i'm the only one that should have a black eye and not the city of san francisco. i'm a product of the city. i'm a native son and still proud of everything that it has given me he. i wanted to give something back and nothing like this should happen. >> any regrets, would you do it again? >> absolutely. >> simon says he doesn't think of himself as is a hero. >> i don't know if this is
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heroic or stupidity, probably both. >> but he says no one in the crowd came to his rescue as he was being beaten. i asked him how he felt about that. his answer, disappointed. vic lee, abc 7 news. >> he was courageous. thank you. both of them were. thanks, vi. >> now, that the parade has ended the championship ceremony is over all of the people who came into san francisco are now trying to get out. >> a bit of a hassle. main highways seem to be okay right now. a live look at interstate 80. a lot of cars as you see on the skyway and all of the people headed to and from the bay bridge. >> and take a look at what it it is like trying to cross the golden gate bridge right now. that is is really easy. light traffic heading back to marin county and not too many cars making their way towards san francisco either. but the ferry ares are packed and people have been lined up for hours trying to get home. >> leslie brinkley is is live along the embarcadero with that
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story. >> whether they were lined up to board a b.a.r.t. train, a ferry or commuting out of here everybody was in a really happy mood. right now it is empty down here by the per arer ferry terminaln hour ago it was quite a scene here. a crazily long line along the embarcadero to wor board the f. all afternoon you would be hard pressed to find nigru any grums in the crowd. eventually some boarded buss to make it back to vallejo tonight. at b.a.r.t. they were running every available train as freeze currently as possible. you can get on to the platform with no problem but it was is tough to squeeze even one to two people on some of the ebb trains. b.r.t. says they are poised
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tonight to brake the all time record set back in 2010 for the giants victory parade back then. they expect to top 522,000 riders. one is complaining. >> this is is b.a.r.t. it is what we do. we wait for it. >> you just go with it. >> what, a half hour, three he hours. had a good time. traffic the wasn't too bad. we had each other. >> we had to stand but it was fine to come down here and see all of the players was totally worth it. >> reporter: it is totally worth it. as they said, totally worth it to it endure the commute today but right now it is morphing a bit more from a giants media scene to halloween night. leslie brinkley, abc 7 news. the hundreds of thousands of giants fans who packed civic be center plaza were not disappoint o. >> they were not. they took part in what was a joyous celebration. news reporter caroline tyler
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was light in the thick of it. >> reporter: so nice we had to do it twice that is what the announcer said as she kick off the ceremony, celebrating the giants second world series win in three seasons. right now, this place is desserted. just the cleanup crews but earlier this afternoon tens of thousands packed this it plaza. we want to give you a little bit of the flavor of what they saw and heard. ♪ >> what do you you say we make a habit of getting together like this every late october? the broom to the city for the first ever. yes! >> the manager of the world champion giants, bruce bocci. >> you got to be proud. you need to be proud. and i tell you this, we are all
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world series champions here in san francisco. ♪ we are the champions ♪ no time for losers because we are the champions ♪ >> and then what a way to end the day, a surprise guest. a surprise walked out and wowed the crowd. ♪ ♪ golden son ♪
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>> reporter: and we are told the giants superstars themselves were star struck. they were hanging around taking pictures with tony bennett. and speaking of pictures, remember how the trophy went on a tour back in 2010 and started here at city hall and then went across northern california, oregon, washington, even to their former home in new york city? they started that in january and were wondering if they were doing that this time around. we talk to the giants management and they say probably but it is still too early to plan. right now they are just savoring the moment. line at san francisco city hall, caroline tyler, abc 7 news. >> hope they do that again. >> thanks very much. >> a lot of fans staked out their spots in the middle of the night. >> diehard fans waiting hours and hours to make sure they had a good view.
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laura anthony is live as well. you talk to a lot of happy fans today. >> happy, a little bit tired but got fired up ones their team took the stage here at the civic center. group that braved the cold, the rain. many were out here all night but they were surely not disappointed. they came from far and wide and came early to gather in san francisco's civic center plaza to celebrate the team that brought the world championship home. >> where are you from? >> sacramento. >> came all the way down here for this? >> yes, of course. wouldn't miss it for anything. >> isn't this is a school day? >> this is a school day but this only happens so many times. >> they skipped school, work, whatever else they might have done today to pack the plaza from as far away as sacramento, stockton and bakersfield. >> oh, my god. >> this guy showed the city and team pride on the back of his head. >> all i really wanted to see was my boys up there on stage
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because i have seen them the wole year playing and i just want to see them up there and that is why i stayed here all night. >> reporter: some came hoping to see a particular player. >> i'm hoping to meet pablo sandoval, panda. i would love to meet him. if you want to meet me, let's go out to dinner, yeah? >> who do you want to see? >> buster posey and scudero. >> reporter: and when it was all said and don't giants and their fans saw hai theirer thed are ready to do it all over again. think this is going become a san francisco tradition? >> i did think so. they will win it for the next ten years. i don't see them losing at all. >> reporter: optimistic. boisterous crowd but no signs of trouble in this immediate area. give you an adeo idea of how fl
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the plaza was, earlier in the afternoon the police declared it full and wouldn't let anybody else in. >> our celebration continues tonight. >> we hear from the fans who line the parade route and some of the old timers who were part of the celebration. >> and, of course, the cleanup. all that confetti, already
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the giants victory celebration gave fans a chance to celebrate legends past and present. >> a whole lot of talent on the parade route today.
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lyanne melendez was live at powell and market streets today. >> hi. of course, we would have that right now as i go by. just wait a minute. ky tell you it was -- thank you very much. it was a perfect day, for a parade. not so much right now for halloween. it is raining and now fans are grateful for their team and for the weather. the giants old guard brought with them many memories today. those considered among the greatest in the town had something to say about the new generation of giants. >> great team. young team. i think the fans enjoy both times. it is important that the city have something like this especially every three years. >> everyone. they did a wonderful job. >> reporter: nobody can lift a leg like you can, though. >> i don't know he about that. let me tell you, everyone on that team did it. did a heck of a job. >> reporter: the giants arrived
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in san francisco 54 years ago. how you time flies. the city has seen many wins but only two world series championships followed by two deserving parades. it was a day to acknowledge this new you team and to remember the moments that brought them greatness. >> the players. the trophy. bocci. >> the base hit in the 10th inning to win it. that was my favorite moment. >> we needed to win in game! we needed to win the series. detroit, i love you guys but it's here! san francisco, right here! >> reporter: some say they played to win not as individuals but as a team. the players agreed. >> together we were jiving. it took everyone. the fans and all of the players. everyone. proud and blessed to be a part of the ride. unbelievable. >> marco skew darrow who is now a free he agent says what
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baseball player would want to leave san francisco. >> reporter: would you like to come back? >> you leave it. look that the. >> maybe it is all that facial hair that brings them luck. >> the beards are champions again! >> reporter: amen, the beards are champions again. you know he, i really like when willie mays said it is nice to have something like this did he say every three years or two years. let's think about that. we won in 2010. champions in 2012. so i guess we will be here in 2014 again. i tell you, i can get used to it, this. i'm live in san francisco with a few fans around still lingering. lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. say hi, guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> thanks. >> a few holdouts there. the party is over for the most part but the cleanup from today's parade is going to take awhile. >> city crews have a huge job ahead of them. abc 7 news reporter heather ishimaru is batting cleanup for
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us tonight. heather? >> you bet you. and so is the city. and market street, is clean. it has never looked so good. makes you wonder if maybe we should just have a big parade every now and then to get a good deep clean over here. at civic center plaza the work is going on and is is expected to go until about 7:00 tonight. that is where the celebration was. the front of the asian art museum was strewn with litter and bottles but bad as it is, dtw tells us it isn't as bad a mess as the mess following the 2010 celebration. they can't say exactly why except they say after that one there was confetti, quote, up to your knees. not so this time. the city wasted no time today jumping in behind the parade the minute it was over. >> after the parade came another parade of san francisco dpw workers and veals.
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blowers. sweeper troubles. brooms. streamer trucks. it is amazing how much trash people leave behind. and then there was the confetti. one and a half tons of tiny noncolor bleeding biodegradable nontoxic flame retardant specks costing the city $30,000 had to be swept up and taken away. here the city had some help. >> i saw people collecting the confetti and i saw this guy on ebay willing to buy it for a lot of money. >> the city also made -- the city wants no sign of it left behind. the route was as clean as it ever is by mid afternoon. >> it is a mess but well worth it. you know, 50 straight years, two and three years we will take it. >> aren't you glad you don't have to clean it up, though? >> yeah, but glad we were able to make a mess.
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>> reporter: the city won't have a tonnage estimate until later but as a reference point after the spontaneous celebration sunday night there were more than 17-tons of glass bottles left behind. on market street, heather ishimaru, abc 7 news. boy, it is a cleanup to be sure. heather thanks very much. wet streets out there. >> yes. and going to be getting wetter isn't it, spencer? >> progressively wetter as we get late into the evening hours. light rain and triglyceride until it san francisco and in many other locations. the more concentrated rain is still to the north. a live view from emeryville looking at the western sky which not only is going darker and darker bus the sun has set but because the clouds of getting thicker and lower. live doppler 7 hd. the bulk of the rainfall is in the north bay but certainly working its way southward right now and some is hitting the streets of san francisco.
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you can see it from winder in sonoma county south ward. raining now and sweeping east ward and south ward and we will all get a generous you dose of rainfall tonight. mild in most locations. temperatures in the 60s generally across the bay area. cooler in the north bay. these are the forecast features. a rainy night tore halloween. we will tell you again in case you haven't third it already. showers will linger overnight into tomorrow morning. partial clearing into the afternoon tomorrow and sunny you and warmer conditions for the weekend. satellite radar composite image shows the advancing cold front bringing us this rainfall and make for a wet night overnight. breeze conditions in some spots. forecast animation at 7:00. the rain will have swept southward into parts of the east bay. as we follow it the timeline to 10:00 p.m. you will see wet weather covering virtually all
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regions of the bay area although some parts of the higher north bay will see the rainfall breaking up just a little bit. continue sweeping through overnight but we will still have wet spots tomorrow morning at 5:00 at the begin of rush hour. trailing showers. the bulk of the the rainfall at this point in the south bay down the santa cruz mountains so it will be a wet commute around that region. during the day we will see it all fall apart giving way to partial clearing or mostly clear skies by early evening and rainfall will then be over. rainfall totals quite impressive actually up to about an inch can fall in the north bay mountains. perhaps three quarters of an inch in the north bay generally and the east bay. quarter inch in the south bay and perhaps as much as half an inch on the peninsula and in the santa cruz mountains. rainy conditions generally in the mid 50s. mild overnight and then tomorrow we will see lingering clouds and showers in the morning hours. some partial clearing by mid day or afternoon. high temperatures mainly in the 60s up to about 70 in the mildest locations and here is
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the accuweather seven-day forecast. dry. milder on friday. milder still through the weekend. upper 70s inland. by sunday, mid 70s around the bay. mid 60s on the coast. don't forget to set your clocks back. the standard time saturday night or sunday morning. monday the warmest day in the forecast period with high temperatures in the low 80s inland. >> remarkable. >> going to be what, november 5. >> yeah. >> a warm day. >> thank you. >> they want candy. some kids in the the bay area can't wait to it get their treats this halloween. >> up next we will take you where trick or treat
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by day folks celebrated the giants but the night belongs to the trick or treaters. >> it is a little wet out there but it is, of course, halloween. nick is smith is in oakland where the kids are focused on costumes and candy. >> i have like 100 lollipops. >> dozens turned up for the trick or treat festival and in no time at all young people started raking in the yummy stuff. some of these experienced vets of the candy hunt say this is the place to be. >> where is the best place to get candy? >> anywhere, of course. >> anywhere! >> best candy is everywhere on
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halloween. >> well, at least it is free candy! >> so far right here. >> and it looks like they are right. store owners i spoke with say they spend anywhere between 30 to 40 bucks for the candy they give away. darth vatter, scream and charlie chaplin were each impressive but scream made everyone take a second look with this little trick. a costume contest that include green dinosaurs and tiny pink fairies but the true show stopper may be the ghost who just simply had to have his chocolate. and now all of our halloween trick or treaters are ready to get home and enjoy their candy before the rain starts. oakland, nick smith, abc 7 news. >> happy halloween! >> and happy halloween to all of you, too. thanks jeff adorable. plenty more coming up here on abc 7 news. ahead the aftermath of superstorm sandy. president obama took a tour of the damage today. you will get to see some of it
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as well. >> and we will catch up on the presidential campaign nearing the finish line now with just six days to go. mitt romney pours big bucks into some of the swing states that he may be losing. i'm michael finley. ahead on 7 on your side, the frustration of automatic bill pay.
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there is a new presidential order today. 15 minute rule for federal agencies to respond to requests for help in new jersey. residents of the jersey shore are have lost their homes and businesses to superstorm sandy. abc 7 news reporter david louie is in the newsroom now with video of the destruction. david? >> superstorm storm sandy has done an estimated $20 billion in property damage, much of it along the new jersey shore. recovery it on the mind of
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residents but the biggest challenge is where and how to get started. the damage is widespread. the scope of the destruction is best seen from overhead. miles of new jersey shoreline, a summer play ground for generations have been battered by sandy's fierce winds and relentless waves. roofs were ripped off, turning homes inside out. off the coast in the town of sea side heights the boardwalk and amusement park were swept away. the rollercoaster sliding into the atlantic. >> it's gone. it's not there. the boardwalk we walked on together this summer greeting residents and talking to the business owners, it is gone. and it it is gone through or three blocks up off the beach down the side streets. >> storm systems south out the governor to express their grief after their homes and possessions were washed away. >> it is a shame. it is a shame. i got nothing left. everything is ruined. ruined. >> president obama also walked the jersey shore after getting a helicopter view at the devastation. the president said
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infrastructure repairs will get priorities so residents will have safe drinking water and power. the military will be helping as well. >> we are here for you. and we will not forget. we will follow up to make sure that you get all of the help that you need until you rebuild. >> one of the biggest challenges appears to be removing up to three feet of abdomen that washed ashore, making streets impassible and blocking access to some communities. that appeared to about factor when an enclave of upscale homes burned to the ground fueled by broken gas lines. >> a challenge ahead of us to restore power and making sure that the drink iting water is doing well and waste water treatment happens and open up schools again and all of the rest. we got to get back to normalcy. >> the governor decided conditions remain too risky across the state to allow children to go trick or treating tonight and signed an executive order to postpone halloween celebrations until next monday. in the newsroom, david louie,
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abc 7 news. >> probably a good idea. thanks very much. some signs of normalcy tonight in new york city, still water logged and battered from sandy's wrathing. mayor michael bloomberg rang the opening bell at the new york stock exchange. ran today on generator power after trading was halted for the last two days. nearly two million customers no new york still without power tonight. jfk and newark liberty began handling flights, once again. limited bus service running in new york city and officials are planning to open parts of the sub merged subway system tomorrow. >> many people's lives were churned upside down by the storm and you have nye word that everyone in is city government at every level is is working 24 hours a day to get the city back on track. >> the extended power outages leading to spore rad dick looting. police have made at least 15 arrests. additional officers are now patrolling near businesses. >> fire investigators in queens are assessing the damage of a fire monday night.
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the winds quickly spread the flames, destroying 111 homes. look at this scene of utter destruction is. the exact cause of the fire is under investigation. to help the people affected by superstorm sandy text the words red cross to 909999 to donate $10 or you can call 1-800-red cross or go to abc 7 for a link to the red cross website. with just six days to go to the election, president obama is showing a boost in swing state polling while mitt romney's campaign is expanding its battleground and claiming momentum. is mark matthews is is here now to sort out the two differ iting visions of how the race is shaping up in the final days. >> three new polls out of the all-important swing state of ohio giving barack obama a three to five-point lead in each of the polls. at the same time, mitt romney's campaign is buying ads in pennsylvania and minnesota and michigan. states thought to be firmly in
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the blue state column. at his first rally in the aftermath of sandy, mitt romney steered clear of any direct attacks on the president. but it was clear the political winds are picking back up. >> i don't just talk about change, i actually have a plan to execute change and to make it happen. >> romney was joined by former are florida governor jeb bush who downplayed the president's role in responding to the storm. >> my experience in this emergency response business is that it is the low he cal level and state level that really matters. >> for the romney campaign, a delicate balancing act. travel both president today is new jersey governor chris christie, one of romneys staunchest supporters and there he was traveling with the president. >> i think this is our sixth conversation since the weekend and it has been a great working relationship. >> reporter: as president obama picks up points for his response to the storm, the romney campaign is attempting
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to expand the battleground, buying ads in michigan, minnesota and pennsylvania. >> we are on offense. >> the president's top advisors calling it foementum saying if romney were really competing in pennsylvania he would be in pennsylvania instead of florida. we asked san jose state political scientist melinda jackson to sort it out. >> i tend to trust the data and the polls are showing that obama seems to be gaining in the last few days down to the election. >> reporter: jackson says the romney campaign has money to spend and they hope to use it to create a storyline that will swing late deciders. >> if they can create an impression that their candidate does have momentum at the end of the race they are hoping that will help them. >> reporter: the romney cam pin certainly does have the obama campaign reacting in minnesota and michigan and pennsylvania. the obama camp is spending a
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million dollars in advertising in the last week in states they thought were settled. finally, we would like to tell you about the latest push from our partners at fact they have been tracking the biggest whoppers from the both campaigns. go to abc 7 an and we have a link to the fact check under our see it tv tab. >> always worth while.
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automatic billing can be convenient certainly but if there is a mistake can t. can be a bit tough to get it corrected. >> one man spent hours on hold without any help until michael finney step north dakota. he is here now. >> this is a case about a very small amount of money and a very large amount of frustration. this consumer was just trying to correct h his long distance bill but got so upset he wound up canceling the service instead.
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92-year-old robert doesn't travel much these days. he uses the telephone instead. >> mostly calls to my daughters and that is in florida and new york yes. >> has used mci long distance phone service for many years and was always happy with it until he notice a simple mistake on his account. >> they billed it twice on the same day. >> the company double charged his credit card for one month of service. robert notified the credit card company which reverse #-d one of the charges and he foregot all about it until a few weeks later. >> they said that i owed $31ed and some sents that was uppaid. i tried to tell them there was a double billing. >> he received this past due notice saying he owed that $31. he called mci and was put on hold. he called again. he says nobody talked to him. >> i listened to some awful music and i got so tired of it,
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i cut the -- hung up on it yes. >> wrote letters asking why he was billed the same amount again. he says no one would explain. but he did get this cancellation warning. now, he worried about his credit rating. >> i never had bad credit in all of my life. >> he got so frustrated he paid the $31 and cancel his service only to get another bill, this one for $12. that is when robert contacted 7 on your side and we contacted verizon which now owns mci. verizon said robert was, indeed, double billed but he also should have received two credits after the mistake. robert says he couldn't find any additional credit and because of all of the confusion verizon did agree to remove the remaining charges on his account saying we apologize for any inconvenience as a result of the credit card billing error. as soon as it was identified a
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credit was issued to the customer's credit card. for robert it was a big relief. >> no one could is seem to streiten it out and find out what was write or wrong. 7 on our side got some action. >> see, see. verizon says there was a one-time glitch in a is system that bills credit cards automatically so i would like to thank the company for straightening out the account. if you have a consumer problem go to and click on 7 on your side and we will get it fix. >> nice job. thanks. >> sure. >> coming up next, an exclusive look nine stories below sea level. >> and we will show you the remarkable techn
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there is a massive construction project underway deep under san francisco bay to secure the safe city of the region's water supply. part of the project involves digging a massive hole in newark. ing anews got an exclusive look at the icy way that they did it. will. >> nearly nine stories below sea level welders are working to shore up the massive hole at the edge of san francisco bay. this shaft will ultimately provide millions of people in the bay area with fresh clean water. digging this hole in unstable mud and water presented project engineers with unique challenges. how do they keep the mud and ground water from refilling the tunnel while they dig and do that in an environmentally sensitive area. the answer? freeze the ground. >> the way we achieved that was by installing 47 pipes around the shaft and in through the center of the shaft. we drilled them down at 110 feet deep. >> you can see how it works in
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the photos and video provided by the san francisco public utilities commission. the process is similar to how your freezer at homeworks. coolant was pumped through the pipes which then froze the ground, creating a massive cylinder of frozen earth. >> like having a glass underground. a solid wall and bottom which gives you the stability you need to be able to excavate the shaft. it took about 8 weeks to freeze the ground and work began on excavating the shaft. every five feet they reenforced the walls with wood and steel so the concrete could be poured. it took four days to install each section. this is is where a massive tunneling machine will exit. when competed it h will be the longest built on the bay and unlike the transbay tube the new tunnel is actually carved out of the earth.
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the new tunnel will replace old pipes built in 1925 and 1936. engineers say the old pipes won't is survive a major earthquake. a failure here would jeopardize the water supply for millions of people from the east bay to san francisco who get water from the reservoir in yosemite national park. the new bay tunnel is designed to withstand a major quake on either the san andreas or hayward faults. >> we hope to be through to the shaft by early next year. >> maureen berry is with the san francisco public utilities commission. the agency is responsible for the water system. in 2002, voters approved a $4.6 million bond measure to overhaul the aging system. >> we are actually about 83% finished with the tunneling so about 5,000 feet to go. exciting point. we can actually say because of this project and the other ones that we have been able to accomplish in the past year that the system is seismically a lot stronger than it was even a year ago.
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>> just an incredible piece of engineering. work on the project is expected to be completed in march of 2015. wow. amazing. let's get one more check on our accuweather forecast with spencer christian. >> i'm sure you you know by now, wet weather has arrived. certainly covering virtually all of the north bay and now pushing down below the golden gate and into san francisco and down to the peninsula. this is going to work its way across the bay area during the late night and overnight hours. several wet spots right now south ward right to the golden gate and just off shore moving towards san francisco a couple of area of h heavy downpour. the wet weather is going to make for a wet halloween night all night. tomorrow statewide little spots of precipitation but mainly a dry weather picture for the state is of california. after a soggy start tomorrow morning and some lingering showers we will see at least partial clearing here in the afternoon hours with high temperatures mainly in the mid to upper 60s up to about 70
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in the mildest inland locations. the accuweather seven-day forecast. dry and milder on friday. don't forget to set your clocks back to san saturday time overnight saturday night into sunday morning. inland highs in the low 80s which is remarkable for november 5. >> thanks, spence. if you watched the giants parade from the streets or here on abc 7 there is one perspective you haven't seen yet. what it is like to walk in the parade. news reporter jonathan blum has a first hand look from the other side of the barricades. >> miles of screaming fans. a sea of confetti. buster posey said it best. >> unbelievable. can't put it into words. you got to be here. >> the experience of being in a world series parade not once but twice. >> 2010 and another one for 2012. >> what finger will you put that one on? >> on this one right here? >> ware both rings on the same
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hand? >> you got that right. >> world series fashion is cooky. remember the underwear? >> remember the rally song? >> retired two years guy. >> what kind of underwear this time around? >> i don't wear any right now. >> about as wild as sergio romo who left his ride behind. >> you are here without a car. i know. yeah, i kind of lost it. oh, it's right the there. i was just so excited. these people are amazing. >> angel shared high-fives from the back seat. i can't explain the emission. a dream come true. i'm having so much fun. >> and so was series mvp pablo sandoval until he ran out of breath. tim lincecum said the only thing he was high on was adrenaline. >> the second the parade got going it is like i'm on a whole bunch of red bull drinks or something shrike like that.
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>> different from what happened in 1962. the hit that could have won the giants the '62 world series was caught by the yankees. willie mccovey retired without a world series ring but finally got one in 2010 and when it rains it pours. >> i bet you didn't think you would be back here so soon. >> i didn't really but i'm glad we. what is it like to see the fans screaming and calling your name and cheering on the giants? >> makes me feel young. >> in san francisco, jonathan blume, abc 7 news. >> up next, a couple of surprise drives involved in the victory parade.
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tonight at 9:00, coming up, flamable gas leak in the the storm zone. just how dangerous is this? an experiment on an invisible threat in all homes. >> at 11:00 here why is local county is keeping an elderly woman out of her home. abc 7 news i-team investigation. all coming up at 9:00 and 11:00 on abc 7 news. >> in fact, now all of the sports tonight including the great day for the giants and fans. >> the victory parade was
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amazing. >> you wouldn't mind more parade coverage? >> no. >> what a day. i mean with the giants celebrating their second title in the last three seasons. hundreds of thousands, maybe a million people. i tried to count but it was really hard. lining the streets. cheering the players. everybody enjoying a giant party in the city. so many of these guys are new. hunter pence is is a new player to the giants. angel, marco. they were just overwhelmed by the crowds that lined the parade route. >> got him looking! and the giants have won it all! >> the players, they he executed, they got it done and they were not going to be denied. this was the rentless group that didn't want to go home. >> if you think something is achievable as long as you are willing to work hard enough for it and believe it can happen you can get it done. >> what was the bigger thrill, the perfect game or this? >> i think this was. this was awesome. this is a bunch of guys coming together and doing one thing and it paid off.
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>> i'm elated right now. this is incredible. such a special moment. so fun. i mean i was pretty tired this morning but i'm awake now! we did this together. it wasn't me. it was all of us. it was all of the city. and together wand together jiv. that was the motto. >> what a great smile there. the parade ended with hunter pence leaving the team and the city in the giants pregame chant, the slow chant. he started this in cincinnati when the team was down 0-2 and gets everybody fired up. one of the funny moments here. john miller and dave fleming part of the broadcast team best in baseball at today's rally showcased a rarely scene skill. >> keep your eyes on dave. watch what happens when i say -- ♪
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>> can do it with me, too. >> john miller, i had no idea that he was that light of foot. this is tremendous. this is a classic that will be saved forever. some of the 49ers are big giants fans. on the right there, coach jim harbaugh and quarterback alex smith were driving today. harbaugh for bell. are the 49ers had a bye this week so they were enjoying the festivities. sutoff surprise from the warriors. they gave city curry a four year $44 million contract extension on the eve of the team season hoper in phoenix. end a midnight deadline. one of golden state's best players who averaged 17 points a game when healthy. that is the question. the ankle has been a problem. he missed 40 out of 66 games last year. an expensive gamble for the
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warriors. they are expecting he will be okay. late word in that the center with make his warriors debut tonight in phoenix. abc 7 sports brought to you by mercedes. >> thanks, larry. >> if you missed our coverage of of the parade perhaps you there were in person. we will rebroadcast in its entirety on digital 7.2 and 7.3. comcast channels 195 and 715. >> starts in just a few minutes at 7:00. if you don't have time to watch the whole thing, take a look. 22 second time lapse version. thank you so much for watching. we appreciate your time sharing this great day with us. see you at 9:00 and 11:00. >> good night, everyone.
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this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants -- a stay-at-home mom and blogger from middletown, new york... a financial-risk a from el paso, texas... and our returning champion, a research chemist, originally from charlotte, north carolina...


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